Suggestion for Covid-19 Pandemic Management

EMIR Research (M) Sdn Bhd
EMIR Research (M) Sdn Bhd

GO for targeted Enhanced Movement Control Order (EMCO) based on data and science with crystal clear Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), well communicated in simple language to ALL. If it is a RED area, go for EMCO for 21 days with the followings:

- Loan moratorium for 3 months;

- Renters protections at least 2 months;

- Wage subsidy for 3 months;

- Direct cash transfer for 2 months to the deserving B40s.

AND important to:

- Revamp current process for SOPs;

- Crystal clear communication to ALL

Artikel Berkaitan:

- Increase capacity & speed for testing through Federal and State Government cooperation;

- New contact tracing system that enables data sharing amongst critical stakeholders both at Federal and the State.

- Vaccinate as many with 1st dose through collaborative efforts between Federal and State governments;

- Enable public private partnership, empower GPs as they are the gatekeepers for a health system

- No politics from anyone. Just pandemic and economic management for ALL.

Then we will have a chance to fight Covid19. I live in Daerah Petaling.

Datuk Wira Dr Rais Hussin Mohamed Ariff

President & Chief Executive Officer

EMIR Research (M) Sdn Bhd

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