Caution! Coffee is not for children

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Morning coffee has become a key energy booster for many.

However, behind satisfying cup of coffee, there is one thing you should know - the drink is unhealthy and unsafe for growing children.

According to international health portal, coffee is a type of addiction difficult to cure.


"Coffee contains caffeine, which is a stimulant. In the United States, it is unusual to give children caffeinated drinks, while in Canada, caffeine intake for children is limited to only 45 milligram daily," said the health site.

There are several reasons why coffee is not suitable for children to drink. Below are explanations shared by HelloDoctor:

i) Influence build up of the cavities
Drinking coffee in a huge quantity will cause the cavities to build up in children’s teeth due to the coffee's acidity level. The acid in the coffee makes it easier for enamel decay of the teeth thus increasing the risk of cavities.

ii) Becomes hyperactive Children who drink coffee will also face problems in focusing on certain tasks and always feel anxious. The effect of the caffeine from the coffee will last for hours thus effect their time in school.

iii) The cause of insomnia Children aged five to 12-years old need at least 11 hours of sleep daily. However, not all children are able to get enough sleep due to their packed schedules. Drinking coffee would further increase their risk of insomnia.


iv) Losing appetite The brain of a child is more sensitive towards caffeine compared to adults. Caffeine will react with the central nervous system and cause the child to lose appetite. If the child startes getting addicted to caffeine, it might affect their growth in the future.

v) The cause for high blood pressure Caffeine in the coffee can cause various health complications. Taken in large quantities can cause anxiety, headaches and increase blood pressure.

vi) The children’s bone will slump Caffeinated drinks do not have any calories that provide nutrients. Children who drink coffee will not acquire vitamins and minerals that are needed for growth, putting them at risk of being in a condition where they lack nutrients. Not just that, coffee is also diuretic, which means the drink will accelerate the urination process and can cause the omission of calcium in the body which will lead to the deterioration of the bone.

Therefore, to all parents, control the coffee intake of your young children. It is not that they cannot drink at all, but consume in moderate amounts.

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